2025 Auction Sponsorship, Donation, Ad & Shout Out Opportunities

We are excited to continue the tradition of supporting Wolf Branch teachers and students through our annual auction & trivia night. The participation of our community members not only builds a strong network of support and fellowship, it is a critical piece to our continued efforts in providing an exceptional education to Wolf Branch students. 


This year, we have a number of ways our community members and local businesses can help. We invite you or any referrals to participate in several ways:

Donations, sponsorships, advertisements and shouts are due by February 7th. If you'd like to contribute, please sign-up below and/or refer to the links on this page. Your support helps us enhance the learning experience at Wolf Branch, and we truly appreciate your consideration. Thank you for your continued support! 

Auction Donation, Sponsor & Advertising Letter 

Sponsor, Ad & Shout Out Form


If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to auction co-chairs Maribeth Bendick or Andrea Gordon. 

Auction Co-Chairs
Maribeth Bendick: maribethbendick@gmail.com

Andrea Gordon: wbptcpresident@gmail.com

Item DescriptionPriceQty
Corporate Sponsorship
 Onyx Sponsorship
Must be purchased before 2/7 to be included in the auction booklet. more
 Sapphire Sponsorship
Must be purchased before 2/7 to be included in the auction booklet. more
 Diamond Sponsorship
Must be purchased before 2/7 to be included in the auction booklet. more
 WB Elite Sponsorship
Must be purchased before 2/7 to be included in the auction booklet. more
Company Advertisements
 Full Page Ad in the Auction Booklet
Must be purchased before 2/14 to be included in the auction booklet. more
 Half Page Ad in the Auction Booklet
Must be purchased before 2/7 to be included in the auction booklet. more
 Quarter Page Ad
Must be purchased before 2/7 to be included in the auction booklet. more
 Business Card ad
Must be purchased before 2/7 to be included in the auction booklet. more
Shout Outs
 Full Page Shout Out in Auction Booklet
This is intended for student/faculty shout out and not meant for business advertising. Must be purchased before 2/7 to be included in the auction booklet.
 Half Page Shout Out in Auction Booklet
This is intended for student/faculty shout out and not meant for business advertising. Must be purchased before 2/7 to be included in the auction booklet.
Upload Attachment

Please upload an attachment for your ad/shout out if you have purchased something that includes it.

Custom Cash Donation
 Custom Donation Amount$